Summer skin | Teen Ink

Summer skin

December 29, 2010
By janessa_ann BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
janessa_ann BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

BBQ's and water slides
Swimming pools and camp guides
Friday night dates for hearts to mend
And we’ll search out love in our summer skin

Soft rain and rooftops
County fairs and flip-flops
Lovers in July, that’s where we begin
So we started our love in summer skin

Careless actions and adventures through the night
Initials in tree carvings and horror movie fright
Distance begins to sever our bond and the desire begins to thin
Thus comes the beginning of shedding our summer skin

School bells and big yellow buses
Jackets to shield from the cold and new school yard crushes
Labor day had came and went
And so did the remains of our summer skin

Meaningless conversations and words not half so sweet
Love lost and moods no longer so up-beat
Bitter quarrels overtaking sweet sentiments; thus beginning the end
And we had left our love in our cherished summer skin

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