The Block | Teen Ink

The Block

December 26, 2010
By urhere3 PLATINUM, Girard, Ohio
urhere3 PLATINUM, Girard, Ohio
25 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life goes by fast If you don't stop and look around once and awhile, you just might miss it." - Ferris Bueller

Hereon the stoop I sit.
I watch, as people walk by.
I see a man across the street, torn up clothing, begging.
A girl, and I say girl because she was still as young as the day she had fallen, carrying a baby.
This is my life.
I live in this place.
I see a man being hassled for cash.
And another selling drugs.
Here in the block though, we don't pay any mind.
I wait, patient and quiet.
There is a man who has to work three jobs a day that lives next door.
He has barely enough to put food on the table for his children.
Then a car pulls up.
Men get out with automatic rifles.
Storm the building across the street and kill everyone inside.
They get back into the car and drive off.
Everyone on the street stops, for here we are all family.
No police come to see what's happened, and no one comes into the building to look for the bodies until they start to smell.
It would be to much to see our family laying there dead.
The brutal smell lingers though, not of death, but of shame.
The shame we all feel here on the block.
The same shame the world looks at us with, when they all turn a blind eye towards our inter-workings.
This is the block.

The author's comments:
Maybe if we all payed a little more attention to these areas, they could get better. They are good people and honestly care about one another.We shouldn't turn a blind eye as much as we do saying its the neighborhood. Maybe it's not, maybe it just wants help. Acceptance.

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This article has 1 comment.

S M Wells said...
on Jan. 13 2011 at 8:02 pm
I didn't know such placesexisted.