when your gone .. | Teen Ink

when your gone ..

January 20, 2011
By Ninilyn SILVER, Dededo, Hawaii
Ninilyn SILVER, Dededo, Hawaii
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Sometimes we strive so hard for perfection that we forget <br /> imperfection is happiness.

I feel like I've been shot by a gun
you brought light to me like the sun
and the memories of you all gone
when you left, it meant were done,
but i can't help but love
but your way above
I don't think your coming back down
when the thought of you pounds
deep in my heart
you're the color of my art
that keeps me from the dark
when you left, you've left a mark.

The author's comments:
Poems don't always says things directly, so some might not get it.
I hope they get the concept about it.

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