Dark Magick | Teen Ink

Dark Magick

February 1, 2011
By cherrykitkats SILVER, Temperance, Michigan
cherrykitkats SILVER, Temperance, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Chains bind
Darkness surrounds
Shadows flicker
Snarls resound

Nothing to light the way
But the icy glow of the moon
No exodus from this nightmare realm
But I’m not planning on escape

The glint of fangs
The rotting of flesh
The stench of blood
The abode of Death

I follow the path
Through the forsaken forest
Placid shadows soothe my mind
Whilst demons guide my steps

Dark clouds’ rumbling rage
Black roses’ silent sorrow
Faint winds’ woeful whisper
Cold stones’ elegiac echo

Petite fairies dance before my eyes
Mesmerizing me with tricks of light
Mighty dragons soar in the sky above
Phantoms roam through the dense woods

Enchantment and conjuring
Spells and charms
Curses and hexes
Mantras and hymns

I make my home in the tranquil shadows
The demons and ghouls are my loyal companions
Chanting and spells are my therapy
I walk the road I have chosen

The path of dark magick

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on Nov. 17 2011 at 8:40 am
RedFeather GOLD, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
12 articles 0 photos 155 comments

Favorite Quote:
Prose is like walking but poetry is like dancing.
—Paul Valery, poet (1871 - 1945)

Amazing poem. 1 of my favs. Ur work is really great, check out my work sometime, will ya?