The 'Mental' Health Industry | Teen Ink

The 'Mental' Health Industry

February 5, 2011
By Amanda Laznicka BRONZE, Wallingford, Pennsylvania
Amanda Laznicka BRONZE, Wallingford, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We’ve reached a point where sadness is a drug

We need it like food, so we gasp for it like air

Its taken away from us like a parent

Then provided in bits for temptation and

Negative conditioning.

We are forced into the corner where it’s the only thing left to feel

And then told that it’s still wrong to feel it.

So they wait for you to make the choice

To either come to them like a child, head down

mumbling for forgiveness of your sinful way of thinking

Or insanity, the new martyrdom of this perf***** life

Toward these they shake their heads, but shield a smirk

From people behind them, those still terrified, young, and niave.

Turning around, they point at these primates to provide an example

Teaching those in training what they don't want to be.

These strangers offer tasteless candy

That you have to earn with a rundown of despair

Then they sit you against a wall and remind you not to care

“It’s not going to hurt. You won’t feel a thing.”

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