Origami | Teen Ink


February 25, 2011
By Ninilyn SILVER, Dededo, Hawaii
Ninilyn SILVER, Dededo, Hawaii
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Sometimes we strive so hard for perfection that we forget <br /> imperfection is happiness.

Views of people is like an origami
that has been perfectly constructed
and folded correctly
that is made to look perfect,
but everyone is an origami.
Started out flat like paper,
having people to fold them and make them better.
Making a perfect origami is hard to do,
it is like meeting someone new.
When meeting someone, we start off with introductions.
When making origami we are given instructions.
We start flat,
go step by step
and fold
then we crumple
and start all over again.
Like people, we go through life
and go through things again
to make things right.

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