Age 7 | Teen Ink

Age 7

February 22, 2011
By cactus99 BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
cactus99 BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I smelled the stench of vegetables, dirt, and exhaust;
As I walked down the street;
And also the destitute people with that gleam in their eyes
Vying to sell their wares;
Even now that dwells upon me;
Although I was but seven

I tasted the cold, crisp air;
Nipping at our skin
While laughter rang like bells;
Our eyes bright with the energy of a lifetime;
Suddenly ageless, as we darted around the snow;
A crystal clear memory, although I was but seven

I felt the scorched asphalt, charring my bare feet;
As I run down the street to the park
Then the cool, soft grass, while drinking lemonade and listening the birds call;
When the soft tinkle of bells lured me to sleep
And the last thing I remember was the soothing voice of my mother

And although I was but seven, some things will never fade;
You may be seven or seventy-seven, but precious things will always stay
Cherish what you have and had, and hope for the best
Because when you get older, you may not be as blessed

The author's comments:
This was a school assignment.

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