i am me | Teen Ink

i am me

April 29, 2011
By hailey.prainito SILVER, Snellville, Georgia
hailey.prainito SILVER, Snellville, Georgia
5 articles 2 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"walk through life color blind" -Lindsey Saa
"A brave man is not he who does not fear, but he who concors fear" -Nelson Mandela

I poke myself in the eye

because society says eyeliner is beautiful

I burn acid on my face

because society says pimples are unattractive

I starve myself

because society says 50 pounds is the new 100

I spend hours on my hair

because society says fake is good

I blend in

because society says individuality is a joke

but now, now I refuse to poke

I refuse to burn

I refuse to starve

I refuse to waste time

and I refuse to blend in

because I am ME

something no one else can be

I am ME

so set me free

(if you are feeling as if you have seen another account with this very poem, it is my mother; she got so proud she posted it in on "our" account)

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