Christchurch Earthquake Tribute | Teen Ink

Christchurch Earthquake Tribute

August 26, 2011
By Ashleigh_Manning SILVER, Hawkes Bay, Other
Ashleigh_Manning SILVER, Hawkes Bay, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You've been through so much,
barely scraping through,
you really don't need this,
we'll support you the whole way with what you need,
like we did in september twenty ten.

This time though,
the quake is closer to home,
especially since theres connections down there,
to me and everyone else in a little old town up here.

Old boys of the college, gone to uni down south,
trying to make a future for themselves,
to have it postponed in a short few minutes,
thinking in just utter disbelief,
of just how lucky they are to be alive,
completely shaken up,
as to be expected.

Terrified, frightened,
a few words to barely describe the level of fear,
experienced by the survivors.

For us back here in the little old town,
we cant even begin to imagine,
what they are going through,
it all seems unreal,
imagining a thing like this,
could happen to any of us,

The author's comments:
This is dedicated to all those affected by the Christchurch Earthquake. I, myself have mates who were affected. They are all okay! :)

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