Young Love: A Satire | Teen Ink

Young Love: A Satire

November 6, 2011
By Huntguitar SILVER, Greenville, Alabama
Huntguitar SILVER, Greenville, Alabama
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

i like your car.
give me the keys to that brand new mustang.
cant you see us joyriding;
the wind in our hair, the radio blasting,
holding hands on the console,
steal a kiss when i let you out in the dropoff lane,
and everyone's all,
"hey, look at them!
now they know how to live.
hey they're gonna go somewhere"

and we will!
oh the places you and i will go!
after we finish school,
we can take a roadtrip across america!
just you and me
we don't need a house, when we have our mustang.
(and by ours, i mean yours. it is primarily yours of're just so gracious to allow me drive such a beautiful car)

and i'll be like one of those garmin gps systems.
i won't be overbearing,
but if you get lost and need direction,
i'll guide you home.
when the weather is bad,
you can turn me on to hear my voice
if it comforts you.

see, what we have here
is true class, true grace.
the sleekest leather and the finest
two butterfly doors for two butterfly people,
new to this road,
out of cocoons of innocence.
man and woman now.

i may be a new driver,
but believe me,
there's this swelling in my chest
and this intensity in my throat
whenever i think about it.
this is my dream materialized;
tangible, finally
and just as wonderful as i imagined.

i won't wreck it,
yeah teenage accident rates are high,
but baby, your mustang is special.
i'll love it now,
and i'll love it when they release the new model next year.
i'll protect it and treat it right.
just give me the keys.
give me the keys now and let's go.
we have nothing to lose.

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