Abuse | Teen Ink


November 29, 2011
By MarissaW SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
MarissaW SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I want to talk about abuse
The kind that rattles a family,
throws them to the curb

The physical abuse that keeps a mom frozen
in her place afraid to make any movement

in fear of shattering in a thousand pieces

The verbal abuse that the daughter experiences
every night only to bleed out her sorrows instead of cry

The alcohol abuse that smashes up a dad’s car
leaving a crash wound deep in the marrow
of a worried family

The drug abuse that is pushed into the son’s
arm the dissolves along with disappointment
and hopelessness

I want to talk about abuse that rips families apart
That pushes entire families into despair
Not knowing which way is up, stumbling and
not being able to catch your self

I want to talk about abuse
Abuse that stands up to violence
putting an isolated cage to its end

Allowing freedom to outstretch her
Brightening the horizon with her
gleaming smile

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