Kissing You | Teen Ink

Kissing You

December 12, 2011
By rocknspud BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
rocknspud BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I hear the rain on my window and I think of you,
Remembering the first day I knew our feelings were true

When I am with you I am in my own world,
Kissing you was the best thing I could ever do

I close my eyes and dream,
I know you are the one

All I can think about is you,
The night that meant it all

Imagining you smiling when we are together,
Oh how sweet that feeling is

Just knowing I am one, who can make you happy,
Something I have always wanted to do

You make me laugh and make me cry,
But the thing is I know you are mine

First time I saw you was when I knew,
Hoping we would be together forever

No matter how near or far,
We are always close at the heart

I saw how happy you were with her,
So I let you go because your happiness was worth it

Letting you go was the worst thing I could do,
Even though it was for the best

I wish you would see that she is not the one,
But in the end I won

Kissing you was no regret,
And in the end I will forget

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This article has 5 comments.

L0vInGy0U<3 said...
on Dec. 17 2011 at 10:11 am

Layla you are extremely talented, (: I knew you had this in you. I wish I could write things like this.. But because I can't, I would love it if you would write more so I can read it.

Also Merry Chirstmas! <3

#1 cousin said...
on Dec. 15 2011 at 11:51 pm
You are such a beautiful and talented girl no kidding till you have a wonderful guy that treats you right! Love you

#1 Uncle said...
on Dec. 15 2011 at 3:05 pm
Well Layla I didn't know you were so talented with your poetry. Since I'm the number 1 uncle, then you know the importance of my responses and I know you will value them and listent to what I have to say. Keep the great poetry coming, but kissing at your age lets say needs to be put on hold at least until you are 18. I know 30 and 21 have been mentioned but when you turn 18 you are expected to begin journeys that allow you to use good judgement on what you have been both taught and learned. So number one uncle says keep up the good work and hold off the kissing until 18. Love you very much, proud of you and looking forward seeing you next week. Big Hugs #1 uncle

on Dec. 15 2011 at 2:47 pm
Beautiful poem Layla! And I agree with #1 Dad - no kissing until you are at least 21! See you soon XOXOXO

#1 Dad said...
on Dec. 15 2011 at 2:30 pm
Great Poem girl and no kissing until you are 30!  :-) Love you, Dad