My Life In Color | Teen Ink

My Life In Color

January 13, 2012
By Niccoli GOLD, Corbin, Kentucky
Niccoli GOLD, Corbin, Kentucky
10 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
You know you love someone when you're lying in bed at night and you roll over to get that text from them and you're so incredibly tired yet, you still smile.

rushes to fill the spaces
left from the cruel shard
that seems to run my life

leads away from the gash
shallow through my skin
the color of the sky

that taints my life
Overwhelms my clothes and eyes
Like the darkness in my life

your eyes follow my movements
worry and anger clouding
the love that you have for me

my knuckles as they clench
the door handle, ready to bail
run away from all the love you wanna give

the ring you gave me
trying to show as I
finally let go and just fall

The author's comments:
Thinking about everything that I love and have been through...makes me stronger <3

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