A Garden Party | Teen Ink

A Garden Party

January 31, 2012
By ashleydarling GOLD, Lafayette, California
ashleydarling GOLD, Lafayette, California
11 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Of course this is happening in your head, Harry. But why on earth would that mean it's not real?"

I carved out a rib
and planted it in the earth
Watered it and let it thrive
The sunlight was strong that year
Watched from afar
Leaning on a tree
Cigarette dangling from my lips
Ashes fall into the ground
Days pass
Nights pass
And nothing grows
Nothing ever grows

Others comment on my rich soil
And predict my rib shall grow into a two hundred foot redwood
They say I must be patient
They say I must take good care of it
So I wait
And it doesn't grow
Nothing ever grows

People begin to grow restless
Waiting for the rib's appearance
I shrug because I am sad too
Fingers are pointed, accusations hurled
It's my fault the rib won't grow
My head hangs in shame
They all know it's my fault
And nothing grows
Nothing ever grows

The spectators are angry now
They say I've ruined everything for the rib
When I've been waiting like the rest of them
But it's my fault it's all my fault
You did something wrong! they scream
Maybe it's the soil
Maybe it's the air
Maybe it's the water
Maybe it's the rib
But no it's me
That's why it won't grow
Nothing ever grows
in my damned garden

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