Sanity | Teen Ink


March 4, 2012
By tchanell26 SILVER, Galesburg, Illinois
tchanell26 SILVER, Galesburg, Illinois
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

You're not pretty
You're not worthy
Voices scream inside my head
They laugh when I fall
And taunt when I'm upset

You're not thin enough
Not smart enough
The voices whisper in my dreams
the same who scoff at my success
and get a kick out of my misery

You'll never be beautiful
Never be good enough
The voices chant in my mind
They're waiting for me to break
They know I'm walking a fine line

The voices are getting to me
Haunting me
When I am awake or asleep

Nothing seems to calm them
They feed off my pain
While I struggle to hold on
To the last piece of me that's sane

The author's comments:
Even the strongest of persons will succumb to "the voices"

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