The way you like it | Teen Ink

The way you like it

March 31, 2012
By mellicious BRONZE, Whitehouse Station, New Jersey
mellicious BRONZE, Whitehouse Station, New Jersey
4 articles 2 photos 1 comment

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LOVE, like you&#039;ve never been hurt.<br /> LAUGH, like it can save your life. &amp;<br /> LIVE, with no regrets.

I let my hair wave and curl lightly,
messy and untamed by my straightened
I hate it.
But I know that’s the way you like it.

I pull on my newest pair of yoga pants
Comfy and form fitting
Because I know that’s the way you like it.

I try my best,
To keep quiet
About the whispers in my ear,
The rumors in the halls
I try my best not to get upset
Not to accuse and yell
I know it’s all true.
But that’s the way you like it.

I tell myself I need to be better
to prove that I’m enough
So I’ll pull on that pink little sweater
The one you love
Because that’s the way you like it.

I’ll walk away when you’re with your friends,
And tell myself you really do care.
I’ll believe you
When you tell me I’m the only one
Because that’s the way you like it

And someday, you’ll like me
Just a little bit more
than you like yourself.

The author's comments:
just a teenage poem about high school love, the idea of perfection and the expectations of of a relationship. girls try so hard to impress one guy, who will never learn to appreciate them.

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