I am Lost | Teen Ink

I am Lost

April 9, 2012
By Megan1231 BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
Megan1231 BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Crumbled, I am alone.
Selfish, I am one.
With trembling hands, with weak knees, I am nothing.
The distance I travel, the miles I suffer through, I am broken.
The harshness surrounding me, the hatred that is oozing through my seams, I am hurt.
Walls are building, protection is near, but I am blocked off.
My mind tosses, my thoughts jumble, and I am lost.
Take my soul, embed my body, I am dead.
Pained, I am sorry.
Lifeless, I am no longer human.
Burdened, I am carrying many.
Physically, I am numb.
But in reality, no longer do I stand the same, for I am different.
Today just happens to be the day, today I am locked in.
Agony is in the calling; close my eyes, for I am weak.
Crumbling, I am disappearing.
Selfish, I am without love.
Save me, darling only save me, I am the only importance.
Feeling, I cannot anymore, I am no more.
An ending is near, I am a lost soul.
So lost, so lost.
But only one lost soul, I am.

The author's comments:
I wrote this while listening to a song called Hurt by Johnny Cash on repeat until this poem just hit me.

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