Big Brother | Teen Ink

Big Brother

April 23, 2012
By marvel0us BRONZE, Los Altos Hills, California
marvel0us BRONZE, Los Altos Hills, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hi big brother
Good morning, how are you
Why are you so tired, big brother
Why are you so blue

Breakfast is downstairs
Waiting on the stove
Why do you send glares
Oh okay, I'll leave you alone

Good afternoon big brother
Are you going to see some friends
I'll be jump-roping on the sidewalk
No cars in this dead end

Don't be too long, big brother
Don't wait until it's dark
Don't do anything wrong, big brother
Stay safe, come home unmarked

Where are you, big brother?
The moon is starting to rise
It's looking for you, big brother
As the sun begins to hide

We don't know where you've gone,
Or if you can find your way home
What if you're not back before dawn
You've left me here alone

Why did you do this big brother
Is it because you hate me
How could you do this big brother
I could've changed if you wanted, if only you’d made me

I'm sorry big brother
I hope it's not because of me
I hope it's warm this summer
I hope you've been happy

Hello big brother
Good morning, how are you
Mom is okay, she's doing better
We'll come back and visit you soon

How is it up there, big brother
Everything white and new
We all miss you, big brother
I hope you miss us too.

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