Hello Life | Teen Ink

Hello Life

June 15, 2012
By SimplyRachel PLATINUM, Charlotte, North Carolina
SimplyRachel PLATINUM, Charlotte, North Carolina
48 articles 6 photos 40 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift, that's why we call it the present."
"Things change, friends leave, and life doesn't stop for anybody."
~Stepgen Chbosky

Hello life,
it's been awhile.
Since we've talked,
Or you've seen me smile.

Hello life,
How do you do?
It’s been so hectic recently,
I just want to cry, oh boo hoo hoo.

Hello life,
Has it been a good day?
Please don’t leave me again,
Please tell me you’re here to stay.

Hello life,
I’ve missed you a lot.
Without you here,
I’ve only wanted to sit and rot.

Hello life,
Are you sure you’re okay?
You don’t seem like you’re having
A very good day.

Hello life,
Is this the end?
Is the where we part,
For goodbye again?

Hello life,
Please do not cry.
It is not time,
To say goodbye.

Hello life,
Why are you sad?
There is not a thing,
That has gone bad.

Hello life,
I promise you,
That we will find,
Something to do.

Hello life,
It has been fun.
But I’m going to be late,
I’m sorry but I must run.

Hello life,
I wish you the best.
Now I must say goodbye,
So I can go take that test.

The author's comments:
This is a poem that I wrote as I sat in my seat after my geometry exam. I was sitting there thinking about how life has seemed to have slipped on my recently and how none of my friends have been there for me and so I haven't hung out with them so it has seemed as if I have no life. The ending was brought up by the fact that I had to go take my english exam afterwards and I only had 5 minutes until that. This is certainly not the best peom I have ever written, but it's something I wanted to post anyways.

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