Love. | Teen Ink


August 6, 2012
By Talman BRONZE, Lacey, Washington
Talman BRONZE, Lacey, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
They tell me that you can&rsquo;t go back, life&rsquo;s a one way.<br /> People are always gonna judge, life&rsquo;s a runway.

Break up, then we pick up all the pieces.

We get stronger everyday, and overcome the weakness.

What’s love like? I’ve never been in.

The fear of losing her, and having to start all over again.

I don’t think I’m ready to give her my all, and all that trust.

But if your committed you have too, that s*** is a must.

hearts are closing as more legs start to open.

Can you fully love her with no words spoken?

Be the reason behind all those smiles.

Give her that feeling that she hasn’t felt in a while.

Respect and love everything she goes through,

your doing something right if she’s still with you.

Don’t lose love, its so hard to find.

Its hard to find love when they say love is blind.

The author's comments:
I want people to read my poems and realize that I say whats real. Things many people could relate to.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 10 2012 at 1:50 pm
chamomile SILVER, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
8 articles 1 photo 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
She makes it through her day, but doesn&#039;t just &ldquo;make it&rdquo; through her day. She holds within her at all time the faith that she belongs, even when she doesn&#039;t belong. She belongs to the world; she belongs in her life; her heart and mind and soul belong

I've read all of your poems on here and your voice really stands out. I love it, honestly. Everything you say is very honest and direct, and this one impresses me the most with the way your thoughts flow. Once in a while there is a break in this flow, just be careful with words and syllables, it can really make a difference. The one point it really stick out in this poem was "The fear of losing her, and having to start all over again," it's very choppy, I would simplify it to "the fear of losing her, of starting all over again". Just omitting a few words here and there in your poems can make them perfect. Keep on posting, I love what you're writing (: