Hug (How You Make Me Feel) | Teen Ink

Hug (How You Make Me Feel)

August 29, 2012
By lilmissnicegirl GOLD, Birmingham, Alabama
lilmissnicegirl GOLD, Birmingham, Alabama
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&#039;Its better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all.&#039; ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson<br /> &#039;If at first you don&#039;t succeed, try try and try again.&#039; ~ <br /> &#039;All is fair in love and war&#039; ~<br /> &#039;Beauty is in the eye of the beholder&#039; ~Various People

A hug,
that's all it is.
People hug everyday,
but something seems off.
I think it's the way you hug me.
It's simply a hug,
but the way you do it is so caring.
I feel like your happy to see me.
Everytime you hug me,
I feel something.
I feel good.
It's a wonderful feeling it brings me.
I feel cared for, inspired, and a little bit loved.
All this from a single hug.
I don't know why I feel like this because of a hug.
I guess it's because I feel like I'm getting closer to you.
The closer I get to you,
the better your hugs feel.
The closer you get to me.
the closer my heart gets to yours.
I hope that with each hug you feel your heart closer to mine.
And to think all this because of a hug.

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