My was just so easy | Teen Ink

My was just so easy

September 6, 2012
By Kenzie12 BRONZE, Malvern, Arkansas
Kenzie12 BRONZE, Malvern, Arkansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To be at peace with ones self you must be at peace with others frist...

Funny how everything use to be so perfect...Funny how I use to be little miss innocent...Funny how I use to tell you I loved you...So useless I am...Why is it I always fall for your tricks...You were once my perfection...But not anymore...I have my new perfection and he's all I want...But yet, I still fall for your stupid games...As if I can't get enough of it...But I came to the point where I'm not falling for them anymore...I'm done and over it...I want to live my life with the one I love...What I'm saying is that I'm not easy to love anymore...

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece because it was to someone I use to love that had hurt me so many times and knew I would just come back to him because of my love for him but one day I open my eyes up and saw what he was doing and I soon found someone else who I'm in love with today and couldn't be happier and this poem was to just tell my ex lover that I moved on.

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