The Scared Little Girl | Teen Ink

The Scared Little Girl

November 10, 2012
By FromKid2Punk SILVER, Boxford, Massachusetts
FromKid2Punk SILVER, Boxford, Massachusetts
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Piglet: &quot;How do you spell love?&quot;<br /> Pooh: &quot;You don&#039;t spell it, you feel it.&quot;

The Scared Little Girl (a.k.a me)
In life there is a certain point you hit where tears just need to be expressed. In my life these are the times I’m going to cry and not be ashamed. I CRIED TODAY AND I’M PROUD TO SAY IT! I won’t admit it I’ll say it with courage and tears mixed in my blood shot eyes. Look deeply into my soul on the outside you see a monster being unleashed, on the inside there is a scared little girl who is trapped by her own paranoia afraid by the new feelings that have erupted like fire works on the fourth of July. Will that little girl ever come out? I hope she will because I miss her. I miss the old me so much. You never know how much you appreciate someone until they are taken away from you and your left to survive on your own in the wilderness.

The author's comments:
This is a poem that reflects how I feel about myself during this really difficult time in my life I have been going through.

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