Darkness | Teen Ink


November 16, 2012
By Karli35 SILVER, Struthers, Ohio
Karli35 SILVER, Struthers, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A setting sun,
overtaken by darkness.
Growing old and wise,
just to disappear.

Building up,
only to be torn down.
Darkness is always there,
waiting to make its move.

A warm day,
destined to freeze.
A bright smile,
dropped to a frown.

It's something you can't escape,
following your every step.
Darkness is always there,
waiting to make its move.

A world in danger.
Kindness is rare.
The streets we walk,
full of people in despair.

Nowhere left to run.
Nothing left to hide.
Darkness is always there,
waiting to make its move.

A bustling room,
left to be silenced.
Alone I stand,
the enemy around me.

Darkness is always there,
waiting to make its move.
Embrace the force.
Accept the evil.
It's the only way,
where the light will shine through.

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