The Comedown | Teen Ink

The Comedown

November 7, 2012
By ShelbyLyn SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
ShelbyLyn SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
No promises

Circle up, circle down
Circle, circle round and round
Spinning in circles
But there's never a sound

Sway to the left, sway to the right
Swaying, swaying just hold on tight
Swaying and swaying from side to side
Don't fall down, not without a fight

Shaking here, shaking there
Shaking, shaking everywhere
Through your body to your head
Be strong, and you will shake nowhere

Falling down, falling down
Falling, falling to the ground
You couldn't be strong
Now here's the comedown

The author's comments:
Thought this piece deserved to be on here, since it was published in book. "Creative Communications"

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