Caution of Exhaustion | Teen Ink

Caution of Exhaustion

November 13, 2012
By schan GOLD, Taipei, Other
schan GOLD, Taipei, Other
17 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Let us permit nature to have her way. She understands her business better than we do.”
-Michel de Montaigne

Plunging into paper
The world spins at a blur
When slumber is your master,
What you can do is purr.

Rub up against the mattress
Where all wonders do proceed
That which drives the soul to action
And ideas have a seed

Inadequate attention causes

'Tis simply impossible
To take the error back

See the splutter
In the creases
of your Mouth
your Face
in pieces

of your Clothes
your Prose
your LIFE.

There's no point to even fight

Grinding, thinking, running,
Are our minds
Our brains,
A strife.

Calm, now, calm, calm!
Or you might just take a knife
Please, please, hold on.
Just be cautious of the plight

Even animals beware
Of that creature
They're aware

Creeping silently
Slyly stalking...

Do take care.

The author's comments:
Inspired by falling asleep in class. I'm so tired. College apps. School. I am so tired.

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