In the hallway to the left... | Teen Ink

In the hallway to the left...

November 24, 2012
By KayElle SILVER, Southfield, Michigan
KayElle SILVER, Southfield, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Happiness is not the absence of sorrow, for although we may not be sad, we are not automatically happy. Happiness is the absence of fear because when we live in fear we don’t live at all—we are simply anticipating our next moment of sorrow."

In the hallway to the left
I remember your screaming voice-
The vase had broken
It had shatter on the floor,
But you screamed so loud
So I was there to help.
Now: Nothing but echoes.

I smiled at you
You had to smile back
Your musical laugh escaped you
Your hand covered your blushed cheeks
Oh how you were embarrassed,
Oh how I loved that laugh.
Now: Nothing but echoes.

I leant in for a kiss
You returned the favor
You whispered to me “I’m sorry”
I whispered back “I love you”
In your most sweet and gentle voice
You leant over and whispered it back.
Now: Nothing but echoes.

Echoes in the hall.
Echoes in my life.
Echoes in the wind.
A lonely mans strife.

The author's comments:
I was thinking about how it would feel to be a man who had just lost the love of his life- this is what i came up with.

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