My Darkest Dreams | Teen Ink

My Darkest Dreams

November 28, 2012
By Emily Zody BRONZE, Summerfiend, North Carolina
Emily Zody BRONZE, Summerfiend, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My darkest dreams,
They come to me,
Whisper things in my ear.
They speak of lands
Made of lies, of pain,
They never go away.
They call on me,
Follow in my wake,
Bring shame to my name,
And they never go away.
Their cold fingers,
They search,
Weaving through my hair.
They brush my cheek,
Lay me to sleep,
Bring me to my knees
And hiss my prayers.
My darkest dreams,
They’re part of me,
Part of who I am.
They take and take
And they don’t ever give back--??
I hate them,
But they never go away.

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