A Friday Afternoon | Teen Ink

A Friday Afternoon

November 29, 2012
By ChocolateOwl BRONZE, Saint Louis, Missouri
ChocolateOwl BRONZE, Saint Louis, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On Friday she came home
Pink cheeks and shining eyes
Solemn faces greet her
Sit down, they say
We have something to tell you, they say

On Saturday the tears continue to flow
Rolling down her cheeks
Little drops of trust leaving her
He betrayed her
Why would he do this?

On Sunday she haunts the house
He is a stranger to her
Locked in his room like a beast in captivity
But why should she care?
He lied to her

On Monday the dreaded day has come
To face the world
And hope they haven’t heard
She tries not to let it show
The hurt, the betrayal, the tears

People forgive him
Life moves on
But nobody seems to care
That everyone forgave him
Everyone but her

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