take your heartbreak | Teen Ink

take your heartbreak

November 23, 2012
By Jazzi_wazzi GOLD, Taree, California
Jazzi_wazzi GOLD, Taree, California
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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always laugh when you can its the best medicine<br /> dont judge a book by its cover

lonely in a full room.
the only one not talking.
i breathe the air you breathe so deep.
swallowed my guilt, self-pity and all.
not drinking my sorrows, but drowning my tears
i call your name but you don't listen
take your soul and slowly burn it
take your heart and slowly break it
all is done and all is over
i swallowed my guilt and now its your turn, swallow your own and spit it back out.
you can't fix something that already broken

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