The Word | Teen Ink

The Word

December 6, 2012
By Anonymous

The Bible always told me,
that the world began from a word,
that was God,
and was with God.

what is that word?

In this world,
there are so many,
many words.
And for as many words as there is,
there is just as many kinds.
Many are spoken,
in a hundred different tongues,
but could the word be,
another kind?

I can say,
feeling certain,
that the word is not in English.

I’ve suffered from,
and made suffer
the dialect enough,
to say that none of these words are godly.
Nor do they even come close.

I feel the church of olde,
is wrong to assert Latin,
as the holy word.
It was,
after all,
the language used,
by those who
killed the Lord.

Why would man assume,
that word we invented, would contain God?

If it is true that he created us,
with a single word,
then how could we create him,
in a word.

Could the word,
be found,
deeply, darkly hidden,
somewhere in nature?

Is it carried,
swiftly moving,
across the rest of creation,
on the breath of the wind?
If so it would move too fast,
and be too soft,
for the ears of man.

Does it race by the ground,
among the fish,
somewhere in a holy river?
Does the water
bring eternal life?
Can it be found?
Can it be cut off?

Is it hiding from my eyes,
on a mountain’s top?
Up there does it feel lightheaded?
If I could find it there,
I would climb any mountain.
I would scale steep inclines,
repel down rocky faces.
All for the sake,
of hearing that rarely known,
seldom herd,
beautiful word.

If I could get to it,
what would I do?

It would be of great temptation,
to have the power of a god.

I could make a new world,
or just as easily,
destroy the one I reside upon.

Would I heal the world,
of all disease?

Or kill any who displeased me?

Would I rule the world,
or quietly watch others,
do what I could?

Would I roam the land in splendour,
or hide in a dark cave,
terrified to show,
the power I contained,
and worried how people would react?

Maybe it really is for the best,
that I don’t know the word.

The author's comments:
My poetry final

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