i stand my ground | Teen Ink

i stand my ground

December 13, 2012
By Anonymous

Stand your ground and never let anybody have control of you.
I stand my ground and I have a BIG mean frown that’s not even upside down,
But I will fight till I’m on the ground,
I will always stand my ground.
I walk around with my chest up showing my pride in who I am,
And showing how big I can stand my ground.
I won’t be the toughest or meanest,
But when it comes around, guess what?
I stand my ground.
I fight till there’s nothing left,
Holding my head up high, I show that nobody has power over me.
I’m aggressive and strong until I’m beyond who I am.
I’m not a slave to you, I stand my ground.
If somebody asks me to get them a drink and doesn’t ask nicely, I’m standing my ground.

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