My Mask | Teen Ink

My Mask

January 6, 2013
By rcooper BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
rcooper BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter"- e.e. cummings

In the light of day everything seems fine
A smile is painted on my face
And high-pitched giggles escape my lips
But by night the events of the day
Only feel like stories told by someone else
Loneliness creeps into every inch of my being
Causing me to feel trapped by a downward spiral of
Solitude and depression and
These emotional terrors close off
Any glimpse into my fairly happy reality
My only escape is the paradise of unconsciousness
That re-lifts my spirits just enough to
Go through the same thing the next day

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