The Truth | Teen Ink

The Truth

January 21, 2013
By ShareeLynn BRONZE, Lansing, Michigan
ShareeLynn BRONZE, Lansing, Michigan
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Tears have come and tears have gone. Im in an emotional state, these scars right here all on my wrists are what have helped me get through this. I never wanted to feel like this.

I tried to be visible, doing all in my power to keep myself in control. I do everything for you. Yet you still fail to notice everything i do, how much i care, how much im in love with you, how much i have your back. While those other girls are lying to you, let me be your girl. I want to have your heart. I always hide what's really on my mind. The pain is unbearable. It doesn't matter what i say or do, because no matter what happens you just wont ever come through.

The author's comments:
I wrote this about a guy that i was really falling for. I was always there when no other girl's were, and he didn't realize that they wouldn't do all i did for him. I want people to know that you should let your feelings out and tell the person even if you know they wont ever come through, if you dont the pain gets worse.

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