She is Numb | Teen Ink

She is Numb

January 22, 2013
By LittleMinnowDarling BRONZE, Cato, New York
LittleMinnowDarling BRONZE, Cato, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's learning to dance in the rain."

She feels almost numb inside
But she knows there are so many feelings there
She doesn’t know if she wants to be seen or if she wants to hide
Is that important? Does anyone really care?

It’s like her heart is covered with a large band-aid
Or maybe a bunch of little ones
The cracks looking like they’re starting to fade
But her heart is still filled with a pressure that stuns

Who is this girl?
She doesn’t even know
Her life seems like a large Tilt – a – Whirl
Or a rollercoaster stuck on a low

She just goes through the motions of life
Stuck in the status quo
But is filled with strife
Over feelings that nobody can know

She laughs and smiles just like the rest
Even though it is often fake
She tries her best
Yet her heart still feels like it’s gonna break

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