Free me | Teen Ink

Free me

February 15, 2013
By Just-Another-Girl GOLD, Keighley, Other
Just-Another-Girl GOLD, Keighley, Other
17 articles 0 photos 43 comments

Favorite Quote:
- "A coward may survive...but a hero..a hero lives on in the hearts of the people he saved"

- "Words don't have the power to hurt people, unless the person who said it means a lot"

You say that love is nonsense. I tell you it is no such thing._

Started in my head travelling deep within, tearing through my body
Ripping apart my next of kin...

Burning out my flesh, Ruining my happy life
Trying to pass each test. Never becoming a wife;

Painting a fake smile, wires feeding in,
This is the battle I'm afraid I just can't win.

Maybe one day I will escape this nasty threat
but until I know for sure I cannot make the bet

This life sucking leech, stealing my soul,
Leaving in my heart a giant hole,

Impossible to defend, I cannot mend...

Cancer, it kills your body but also your heart.

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