Just Like You | Teen Ink

Just Like You

February 19, 2013
By AndreaMurray GOLD, Montpelier, Indiana
AndreaMurray GOLD, Montpelier, Indiana
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Take one word you said,
It’s beaten into my head.
No, I’m not perfect, but you aren’t either.
You think you’re better than everyone.
You aren’t. You’re worse.
People like you; they don’t make it in reality.
They’re consumed by ignorance
Something you probably don’t understand.
It’s funny how your brain works.
Does it really trick you that much?
Although much said, there’s no one exactly like you
This is just my view.
I honestly don’t know you.
I don’t want to.
What I’ve heard isn’t good…
Now look again, here I am.
Acting exactly like you.
Judging you when I don’t even know you…
It goes two ways my friends.
Stand up, don’t judge, and trudge

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