Boxed Away | Teen Ink

Boxed Away

February 25, 2013
By juhaszdarling SILVER, Yorkville, Illinois
juhaszdarling SILVER, Yorkville, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I put you in a box today.
I'm sorry that you could not stay.
It is sad that things will never change,
But I am better off this way.

I put you in a box today.
I thought about calling you to say
My life without you seems so strange,
But I am better off this way.

I put you in a box today
And as I put the box away,
I realized you are estrange
And I am better off this way.

The author's comments:
I wrote this about moving on from a bad relationship. The boy that I was dating was condescending, pompous, and self-involved. I finally decided almost a year after the relationship had ended that I needed to forgive myself and continue living my life.

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