Rainforest Lizard | Teen Ink

Rainforest Lizard

February 28, 2013
By alex19964584 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
alex19964584 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

exploring the vast terrain
just heard of in books, I’ve seen

dark noises invade my head
light blackened, by the high trees
envisioning figures far

yellow eyes, staring confused
wonderland of mystery
yet nightmare, of deception

uneven ground, rolls and flats
mossy vines, stretched for my neck

all colors of rainbow
careless birds sit in a tree

a gecko scurries across
the only friendly sight seen
try to catch it for comfort
but it knows the land better

wishing I knew where it went
a place I would rather be,
Caribbean paradise

brush shakes violently by me
looking could be a mistake
for curiosity kills
in this land, you’re all alone

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