Dissolving To Nothing | Teen Ink

Dissolving To Nothing

February 28, 2013
By Peter34pond BRONZE, Providence, Rhode Island
Peter34pond BRONZE, Providence, Rhode Island
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The spinner was spinning and spinning until..,
"THUD!" somebody just got thrown off.
at the age 13 I've been to the park
to recall the wonderful memories.

the object I remember the most is the Dizzy Spinner
the spinner was a living object to us
but the spinner wasn't a toy to fool around with
it looked like the park was a quick flash of memory

after I got off, the park was still spinning
then I collapse and fall on the ground
the spinner was howling with laughter
when person after person was getting thrown off him every time.

time flies by so fast, as fast as a house burning down.
"Wow!" I hear when I leave the park
Somebody held onto the spinner longer than 15 seconds
that's a new record I can keep in my mind, so I can try to beat it.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece because the spinner at my park was really inspiring because it brought back so many memories to me.

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