Proud to stand out | Teen Ink

Proud to stand out

March 21, 2013
By Joek42 BRONZE, Freehold, New Jersey
Joek42 BRONZE, Freehold, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Society is going to s***, along with the world, but I thought you already knew this,
This idea that we can all change the world with closed mind thinking.
Our minds shrinking, linking, then suddenly we see that this thing we've been missing.
We got to, Got to open our minds up to the possibilities, that maybe we should stop this hostility.
Be open minded and non judging, to the ones who don't quite fit in and stop the fussing.
Who cares if they don't look like you, dress like you, speak like you, or just won't conform like you.
Boo f***ing hoo maybe I just wanna be me.
All the things this country has fought to free, yet there is still this sense of imprisonment cant you see?
People cant accept us with different personalities.
But I wont heed I stay Care free, proud to be who I've created finding the things that define this person I call me!

The author's comments:
I don't really fit in, and people seem me as an outcast.

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