Stealing Courage | Teen Ink

Stealing Courage

March 31, 2013
By translatingbird BRONZE, Hot Springs, Arkansas
translatingbird BRONZE, Hot Springs, Arkansas
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Only after the last tree has been cut down, the last river has been poisoned, the last fish has been caught will we find that money cannot be eaten.<br /> - Cree Indian Proverb

This night whispers to me the secrets of the universe.
I do not understand what these secrets are, but it insists.
Listen, the night calls.
Listen and learn.
Wash yourself from unhappiness.

Its dark tendrils sweep gently across my face, leaving behind soot-colored marks.
I shiver against its touch. It is no longer familiar.

How long will it be until you sleep, the night asks.
I see its eyes, like stars, full of concern.
It places its hands on both sides of my face and runs its thumb across my lips.
I close my eyes. Too soon, it pulls away. It paces in front of me, back and forth.
I miss holding you as a child, it comments.
Your heartbeat was my song and the soft rise and fall of your chest, my comfort.
I became brave for you. I stole courage from the books you read. I commissioned the planets to make for me armor of happiness and a sword of silence. With these, I protected you from nightmares.
They dared not approach your bedside while I was near.
I waited so I could wrap you in my arms and make you mine until morning arrived to snatch you away.

I miss you, the night laments.
Return to me. Let me hold you again and I shall give you peace.

It reaches for my hand and patiently, as always, waits.

The author's comments:
I don't sleep often. I wondered that if night was a person, this is how he or she would feel.

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