The Final Message | Teen Ink

The Final Message

April 4, 2013
By C6nturyP9arl BRONZE, Saint Joseph, Missouri
C6nturyP9arl BRONZE, Saint Joseph, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." -Moulin Rouge

Don't leave it broken in my arms again tonight
Won't you give it a final fight?
Put down the whistle, let me prove one last thing
Can't you listen to the song my heart can sing?

I'm trying to push away your fears
Drown them out with these dirty tears
But you can't let go
And so you will never know

Your clever lies were holy to my ears
Never hurt anything after all these years
But you won't see
Even if the truth could set you free
Imprisoned by your foolish pride
You chose to run and hide

You have built a wall
Determined for it to never fall
But can't you listen to me?
Are you so angry that you won't hear my plea?

Would you believe it?
Or deny my words with a stubborn grit?
Will you hear this?
Or would it destroy your lonely bliss?

I searched the earth
Found you and I gave joy and harmony a story of birth
But here we stand, not so far away
Even though you have set your way

I couldn't help trying just one last time
I reach across this cold distance
To remind you of why you had been mine
Listen now, and hush your reasons

I can say it once, and once only
Hoping that hearing it won't make you too lonely
For the truth must only be spoken
In order to mend what has been broken

Even if there is no chance you will let it be true
There is no one that could love anything more,
than the way I love you

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