The Question of is | Teen Ink

The Question of is

April 8, 2013
By FreakyPoetryAddict SILVER, Hastings, Minnesota
FreakyPoetryAddict SILVER, Hastings, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I want a friend, who, when I tell them I'm fine, they'll pull me close and say what's wrong?

What is out there?
Who is out there?
Who is that?
Who am I?

What is a fork?
How about a spoon?
Who are all these people?
Why are there so many questions?

Who am I?
Who are you?
How do you do?
What do you do?
Why is your face red?
Or blue?
Are you holding your breath?
I do to!!
Why is your tongue green?
Do you like limes?
Do you eat green caterpillars?
Do you like cactus?
I do!
Why is your eye purple?
Is it infected?
Don’t go near me!
To late, I have trimunfungus.
It is a infection to the eye
it makes it purple
very contagious

Why is it purple?
the bacteria is purple.

What is a green caterpillar?
do they taste yummy?
I don’t think they do.
do you?

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