Squirrel | Teen Ink


April 9, 2013
By B.marcantel1 BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
B.marcantel1 BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Winter? Acorns and pecans capture my peanut sized brain
Hours at a time. Hunted? I don’t really know.
Birds, silent pebbles, a dog who’s- oh
Confused- actually stupid. Nibble an acorn, then
Im off again: tree, branch, stick, twig
Of any huge tree that I can eat my nuts within privacy in. and you?
Either you look out the window and see how cute I am,
Or you pull out a murder weapon to put me on a plaque in your room
Showing my lifeless body off to your friends concerning
-hunting seaon, is that what you call it?
To unsnare times warp ( and nibble) retrieving,
My acorn headed friend you. This shiny pecan
Men with murder weapons and season passes call you here
But here you are not wanted (nibble, nibble, nibble, nibble)

The author's comments:
This was an assignment in my English class. very proud of it and hope you enjoy it.

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