Just getting through | Teen Ink

Just getting through

April 22, 2013
By FeatherNae GOLD, Dyersburg, Tennessee
FeatherNae GOLD, Dyersburg, Tennessee
16 articles 0 photos 2 comments

All this anger bottled deep within so confused on how to control it,
throughout my life I've been hurt
kicked around and treated like dirt,
physically, emotionally, what does it matter?
it never seems to get any better,
I walk around in the rain
wondering how to ease the pain,
all these feelings still to remain
run through my head like an uncontrollable train,
it all sucks there's nothing you can do
grow up believing lies only to find the truth,
like a house being help by just one nail
no matter what happens we all must fail,
those who think they're above all
will one day realize they too will fall,
I have many thoughts everyday
I can't make them go away,
so I give up, there's nothing I can do
except live my life and just try to get through.

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