Leave | Teen Ink


April 25, 2013
By kalina1995 baker SILVER, Chanute, Kansas
kalina1995 baker SILVER, Chanute, Kansas
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

My mother left to the demonds
to go see her lover.
But here I sit with a high fever
hoping to recover.

I can see my self cry
as you tell me more of your lies.
Why can't you stop and love me
instead of kill my heart?
Why did this have to be
with you throwing at my nothing but darts?
I can feel my body go numb
from your hate entering into me.
I can now see your nothing but dumb
who doesn't what life is supposed to be.

I now can see it's my turn
to leave.
So here I stop
and raise my head to the top.
I will stay away
never to return another day.
Good-Bye mother for you shall never live long after I leave.
This is how it should be.

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