Summer 2k13 | Teen Ink

Summer 2k13

May 5, 2013
By Anonymous

We wait for the next two weeks to be over
Then we wait for finals to be done
When all are over and done it is the summer of 2k13
It may start out slow but it will start to progress
From the pool to the long summer nights who can wait?
Trampolines and hot tubs and playing a good game of tag
Those summer days and night look really tempting right before finals
From the stress and the studying all night long I cannot wait for it to be over
We can only wait patiently for the summer to come
The longer we hope the slower the summer will come
The less we hope the faster summer will come
We can only study harder and harder to make summer come faster
Finals are almost here which means summer 2k13 is around the corner

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