Stranger | Teen Ink


May 26, 2013
By emilyli202 PLATINUM, Fort Wayne, Indiana
emilyli202 PLATINUM, Fort Wayne, Indiana
22 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I don't know your real name
Yet am composed of your decisions
I love the person I know
But understand there are two people
It breaks my heart to know the truth
Because I wish you had treated us right

While she crouched by the kitchen cabinet sobbing
My sister and I numb held hands upstairs
I'm happy you were always there
But question whether my thoughts are irrational

I believe that everyone makes mistakes
But should these bumps be publicized?
Together all these years but each a harbor for an internal and private strife
Can someone live in anguish forever
Jeopardizing their sanity for the sanity of others?
Is protecting others' trust in you more important
Than trusting yourself?

I believe that if you can't trust yourself
You will always be dealt a bad hand
Even if you learn to laugh at your cards
Someday down the road your children will know
You played with their fate and lost

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