The Prince's Parade | Teen Ink

The Prince's Parade

June 3, 2013
By didi1121 BRONZE, Pelham, New York
didi1121 BRONZE, Pelham, New York
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A joke is a very serious thing"
-Sir Winston Churchill

Once upon a time
In a kingdom far away
Lived a Prince who was...
Picky, shall we say.

Now the Prince had a birthday
And a parade was planned,
With jugglers and minstrels
And everything grand!

The King's baker made a cake
That was ten feet tall.
While the Queen's ladies-in-waiting
Wrapped presents large and small.

Animals were brought
From distant lands.
Like tigers and zebras
And even orangutans.

Streamers were hung
In the streets galore,
But the young Prince
Still wanted more.

The Prince screamed for the Duke
Who came running to his side,
Where he found the Prince
With a grin rather wry.

"I want a new crown
For my birthday celebration,
Of pearls and jewels
And made to perfection!"

The Duke called for the Goldsmith
With the order in hand,
And said "Make this crown
Just as it has been planned."

Then the Duke heard
Another terrible shout!
It was the Prince and on his face
Lay an awful pout.

The Duke bowed down and asked
"What is wrong my grace?"
To which the Prince replied,
"My party clothes are much to my distaste!"

So off went the Duke
To fetch the Seamstress,
Whom he told to make robes
Of fine fabrics that were seamless.

Suddenly there was a howl
Coming from the castle gates.
Again it was the Prince,
So the Duke took off and made great haste.

"This can't be it, is this what was made!?"
Of course the Prince was fussing
About his new carriage for the parade.

Thus, to the Carriage Maker's shop
The Duke made a visit.
And told him that the carriage,
Well, he would have to re-do-it.

But upon his return to the castle
Something very funny happened.
The Duke had a thought, a feeling, even a revelation.

The Prince was ungrateful
Mean and cruel.
He did not once say "Please,"
He did not once say "Thank you."

So the Duke left the Kingdom
And never came back.
Leaving the Prince
With no one to scream at.

The Goldsmith too
Did not like disrespect.
So he packed all his belongings
And for the countryside he left.

And in her cottage
After slaving away,
The Seamstress left her dwelling.
She also did not stay.

As for the Carriage Maker
He was mid-carve,
When he too went away,
Leaving the Prince to march.

In fact, the Prince had been so rude,
That no one like him.
And everyone moved,
Everyone left the kingdom.

Then the day came
For the big parade.
But no one was there
To the Prince's dismay.

No one to cheer
No one to applaud.
They had all left,
They were all gone.

There were no jugglers to juggle,
No minstrels to sing,
Not a person was in sight,
Not even the Queen and King.

It was then that the Prince
Saw what he had done.
But by then it was too late.
He celebrated his birthday as one.

The author's comments:
This piece is in an old fashioned children's tale style, and I hope that everyone enjoys it!

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This article has 3 comments.

Gavin said...
on Jul. 12 2013 at 11:12 am
I love this. Feels like a classic in that it gives me a simple, single takeaway about the consequences of being unkind. I love the poetry and the points hat assume conventional storytelling style; the freedom from a specific structure allows the reader the same freedom also.

on Jun. 9 2013 at 11:47 pm
didi1121 BRONZE, Pelham, New York
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A joke is a very serious thing"
-Sir Winston Churchill

Thank you so much!  You have no idea how much that means to me!  I will be sure to comment on your writing too!

on Jun. 7 2013 at 3:58 pm
nelehjr DIAMOND, Lingle, Wyoming
60 articles 11 photos 379 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.

I love this one because you barrowed the fairy tale concept and turned it into poetry. You even threw in a cautionary tale. You captured the true essence of fairy tale and for that I give you five stars.